Filling in the blanks

At last count;Seven-7-Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Large Kitchen (the Breakfast Nook can seat 12!),a Dining Room,Small Library,Living Room two Porches (one perfect for growing things and one open air-for sitting out in and for beautiful sunrises into the Library!).

Basement you ask? HA!

has 2 Workshop area’s, 2 Laundry Rooms (one for Yucky’s/one for Good Clothes) a Man Shower (cinder block walls-Great Water Pressure!!!) and a Totally Potential Culinary Arts Center;hook up the water and drop in a Gas Stove. Commercial style Brushed Aluminum counters and sink.

Heat you ask? HA again! LP Wall mounted “furnace” services Radiant Baseboard heat throughout.

Victorian Lift-The Siding is coming along as Gorgeous! SailclothWhite bordered with Rainmaster a grey-blue trim.

Screen/Storm doors in a Soft Buttercup Yellow w/Rainmaster Trim.

Wanna have a Family Reunion or Cozy Camp out? Step out into the woods-lotsa campfire wood or Fire up the Living Room Fireplace.

Mi Casa es u Casa.


Evidence of growing together AND becoming yourself.Thirty seven years later -amazing each other and others with “hmm- it’ll happen or something must be up” Sure enough.

Every Day People Encouragers and Entourages

Is it because we have so much that fear is on the rise?

There is nothing (absolutely nothing) to fear. Do you know why?


Have you a reason to be separated from, not communicate with, the One who made you? Being “tapped in”, having a “one on one” relationship with Father God (who by the way, has given us an escape from our anxieties our fears and our indignant independence)?

Our all encompassing need to “do it myself” shoves Him and others aside.

Oh yes we do! Oh yes you and I have.

It’s called the Human Plight and it is also called “On Purpose Ignorance” in the guise of anger because “Our Rights” have been tromped on.

Whine whine whine.

What are you and what am I doing about it?

Choosing to be in communication with the One who gave us a way of reconciliation, a way of knowing where we can be and will be on death gives peace. It IS your choice.

It also your choice to have complete joy when going through excruciating life situations; this will never happen while hanging onto dependence on self or humanity. Only One can give complete and total ease of mind heart and soul;JESUS.

When my brain tells my body “DONE!” the One I will see is Jesus Christ, Messiah Redeemer, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Holding your breath? Becoming more and more frustrated, angry, anxious and obnoxiously depressed? That’s what the world today gives. No answers just udder hypocrisy and complete confusion.

Want a way of escape? Give it to God- the One who knows your every need whim and every hurt and fear. Jesus has been, is and will be there for you. He understands it all

Someone died for us, Dear One, Someone became the sacrificial Lamb for you Someone never argued His case. And Someone is waiting. For You.

Gonna wait and see and go to hell when you die?

Or are YOU GOING TO KNOW as I do?

That when the last breath leaves the body that the Lord put my spirit into I WILL SEE HIM! I WILL PRAISE HIM WITH OTHERS WHO HAVE DONE THE SAME! PRAISE THE NAME OF YAHWEH!

The Holy Spirit is on this earth, with us directing the paths of those of us who choose to have faith, and those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

FAITH IS NOT A FEELING; it is action.

I dare you.

And I cannot wait to see you on the other side!

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 – NKJV

Suns up…

Best Western “Derby Inn” Eagle River WI; the difference between nearly 58 and 12 years old “young men”? Not much! Both need ALOT of patience and love. Both need some “reigning in”. Will I? Should I?-Nope. Only if they are about to hurt themselves or someone else…😳

Verbal Hints or “I wish you wouldn’t’s” will only institute deeper of “heels dug in”

-Live And Learn. Hopefully. (penitent,thoughtful,remorseful?

Loved and Forgiven-DEFINITELY.


A grand snowy day and it tis!

Clean clothes, a start on a meal for Family at Fellowship Baptist Church who’s momma taking chemotherapy and a “bike ride”while executing a newsy letter to my Dearest.

Adventures! “A Light Between Oceans”-M L Stedman and “To Be Where You Are”-Jan Karon Oh to go on vacations without leaving home!

Me Myself and I….

  Maureen O’Hara hit the nail on the  head when she said, “I can I will and I do!” when asked if she could speak for herself in the movie “The Quiet Man”. Anybody else adore John Wayne movies?!! Conservative gutsy stuff with lotsa heart. Finding yourself feeling backed into a corner? Just reach for your nearest and dearest and, getcher “YES LET’S!” in gear. I double-dog dare ya….